Fatboy Slim's praise you music clip is among the most interesting and sincere clips I've ever watched. It was a very organic idea for a group of dancers to dance in a quite random place and among random people, sometimes regularly and sometimes without rules, including natural scenes in itself.
Looking at the lyrics of the song and considering the band's creation of a music video with this concept, I think it makes sense to congratulate these people there for what they have done or not done so far.
My favorite scene in the clip was the dancer hugging someone there like a koala. This scene made me feel like everyone wants to do this to at least one person in their life. At least I want to do for a few people :)
The release date of the video clip was 1999 and some devices could have been higher resolution than the visual quality in the clip. However, I think that the low resolution of the clip is due to the wishes of the group members. Because I believe that high resolution and low resolution create different perceptions in people. I think videos or photos shot in high resolution inevitably build a wall between the audience and the work, it is putting a distance. I think that the works are done in high resolution symbolize inaccessibility, professionalism, and formality. On the contrary, the lower resolution symbolizes more warmth, friendliness, and, in a way, that everyone is an equal human being.
In the clip, the fact that people do not understand what is happening at first, and that almost most of them do not show interest, I think it makes you feel that the intimacy between people has decreased a little. When I was watching the clip and thinking about what I would have done if I had been in those people's shoes, I guess I wouldn't have reacted any more differently than they did. Because this idea is pretty experimental in one place, it's also a great opportunity to gauge people's reactions.
What I like most about the video is that it doesn't look like there is any scenario or fiction. In other words, the video is not pre-designed and everything is instant. The reactions of the people and even the attitude of the dancers to these reactions were very exciting and cute to me.
After this video clip, I think that more attention should be given to randomness, experimentation, and natural states in the media. For today's media and music clips, which emphasize that humans should be anything but human, the video clip of Praise You might be a pretty cute reference :)
Also, in the year 2000, the song was nominated for the award, “Best Dance Recording”. And the song is used as a soundtrack of the movie Cruel Intentions.
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