Manifesto was released in 2015 and directed by German artist Julian Rosefeldt. Her first thought about Manifesto was making video installations. But later on, it ends up with a movie. I am curious about how video installation would be working on such a concept. However, I think that such a good idea should have been seen by everyone and I am glad that it was chosen as a movie.
Film is based on dialogues and monologues having manifestos of modern and avant-garde art movements. Also, the social manifestos published by some philosophers are included in the film. In order of plot, these art movements and their pioneers are;
Prologue by Karl Marx
Situationism by Alexander Rodchenko
Futurism by Flippo Tomasso Marinetti
Creationism by Manuel Maples Arce
Abstract Expressionism by Wassily Kandinsky
Dadaism by Tristan Tzara
Fluxus by Kurt Schwitters
Surrealism by André Breton
Architecture by Antonio Sant'Elia
Constructivism by Kazimir Malevich
Pop Art by Claes Oldenburg
Conceptual Art by Sol LeWitt
Film by Stan Brakhage
Cate Blanchett played all these different art movements in thirteen different roles. I think one of the most impressive aspects of the movie is Cate Blanchett's acting skills and her dedication. She plays completely irrelevant characters with one another. It must be a very difficult job to portray such different characters, both male and female, in a single movie by a single actress. After watching the movie, my admiration for Cate Blanchett increased once again.
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